Finding the Still Point WithinÂ
A Restorative Breathwork MasterclassÂ
Drawing from ancient yoga teachings, this masterclass highlights the subtle breath's vast potential to cultivate profound states of inner stillness. In each of us lies a sacred stillness, a quiet space that holds the key to healing, wisdom, and profound transformation.Â
How do I become still? By flowing with the stream. ~Lao Tzu
A Masterclass Tailored for the Aspiring and the Seasoned
Are you a yoga or mind/body professional seeking to deepen your skills and elevate your teaching? Or perhaps you're someone simply looking to enrich your own meditation or breathwork practice? "Finding the Still Point Within" is your pathway to deep inner transformation. This course emphasizes cultivating a rich personal breath practice, essential both for professional self-care and individual growth. It is more than just a course - it's an invitation to a transformative experience that begins with the breath and leads to a life of inner peace and clarity.
 The Four Pillars of Restorative Breathwork
Informed by the wisdom of ancient yoga, this masterclass unveils the power of the subtle breath across four comprehensive modules. Starting with 'Opening to Stillness,' we set the foundation, moving through 'Breath Awareness' to cultivate mindfulness, then deepening into 'Receptive Presence' where transformation takes place, and finally arriving at 'Divine Stillness'Â guiding you towards awakening to the quiet presence of the True Self.

Opening to Stillness
Module 1Â begins with mindful movement to prepare the body for stillness and progresses to systematically relaxing the body. The practice of systematic relaxation requires a balance between allowing the body to let go and relax and, at the same time, staying alert and attentive. Emphasis is on turning the mind inward, free of sensory distraction, fostering an attentive awareness of the breath's more subtle qualities.

Breath Awareness
Module 2 introduces the ancient yogic practice of "Breath Awareness." This sophisticated practice emphasizes the cultivation of an attentive awareness of the more subtle qualities of the breath, opening the door to profound self-discovery. In understanding the intimate connection between the quality of your breath and the quality of your life, you'll find a new pathway to acquiring peace, clarity and inner radiance.

Receptive Presence
Module 3 brings you to the heart of our approach through a series of self-inquiries that take you deeper into the inner dimensions of the breath. These breath inquiries cultivate mindfulness of those spaces where the breath meets resistance, where we are no longer aware, inviting us to be receptive and present with whatever arises.This quality of mindfulness initiates profound transformational change.Â

Divine Stillness
Module 4Â invites you upon a dance of the breath, between effort and surrender, between doing and undoing, sequentially moving you inward into a deep inner stillness. Simply "being" in this silence, for even a little while, is immensely impactful. As your practice deepens, these moments of silence lengthen, opening a gateway to higher consciousness and greater spiritual awareness.
This Online Course Includes
- Informal Lectures: Enjoy Kathleen's rich teachings of the scientific and esoteric philosophies of the breath
- Guided Audio Breath Meditations: Access high-quality audio recordings Â
- Reflective Exercises: Self Study assignments designed to explore the inner dimensions of the breath
- Lifetime access to the course and all course updates
- Approval for 6 Yoga Alliance and IAYT CEUs upon successful completion of the course
I honor Kathleen as one of my spiritual teachers and am always elated when my students work with her, as I know that they are taking their yoga practice and life to a deeper level.
Angela Phillips
Founder, Angela Phillips Yoga Center
The material in this course helped me improve my skills in teaching meditation, relaxation, and breathing techniques both in one-on-one clinical sessions as well as in a group atmosphere.
Lauren Eirk, MS, MATRx, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, YACEP

Integrated Science Wellness Center 
Founder | Director of Teacher Training
After having been in the healing field as a nurse, and having received energy work from powerful healers, I was surprised to find that Restorative Breathwork allowed me to have the most direct experience with the energy that is the giver of life.
N. Byrne
R.N. and Massage Therapist

Kathleen Barratt
In the early stages of the 1980s, Kathleen Barratt embarked on a transformative journey into the world of breathwork, initially training in modalities that emphasized intense emotional release through hyperventilation techniques.
However, her more than two decades of extensive studies in bioenergy with renowned healer Mietek Wirkus led her towards a gentler, more nuanced approach. Drawing on the wisdom of Eastern breath meditation traditions, she crafted a 'yin' style of breathwork that embraces the breath's natural rhythms rather than seeking to control them.
A respected educator and practitioner, Kathleen has facilitated Restorative Breathwork workshops and trainings across the United States. She has been a featured speaker at respected venues like Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, and the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine Conference in Boulder, Colorado.
Registered as an E-RYT 500, Kathleen also holds a Master Certificate in Bioenergy Healing from the Wirkus School of Bioenergy. Since launching the Barratt Breath Institute in 1988, she has been a guiding force in both personal and professional studies in the interconnected fields of breathwork and bioenergy healing.